Do you live in a box

but you want to get out and fly

but you are scared what people may think

but in reality they are scared also

they are scared of someone that has dreams

they are scared of going against the normal ways

they will put you down because they don’t understand

they are not willing to open themselves up to understand

but that’s them, this is you

you have dreams

you have goals

you want to go somewhere in your life that no one has ever been

remember success is not about money or respect

sure that could be apart of what you think is success

but really success is just being happy

that’s my dream

and slowly im getting there day by day

so should you

spread your wings

keep flapping

you will get there one day

– Omar Khan


p.s. thanks to my followers (yes i’m looking at you 5) hopefully you have joined the start of something great!

Have a great day 🙂